Camp Roberts 2024


About Camp Roberts

Camp Roberts, a ministry of Lima Rescue Mission, is a summer day camp program that provides a safe haven for children who may be facing a time of adversity. Daily activities include Bible lessons, crafts, swimming, and a variety of outdoor activities. Our staff is focused on showing God's love to each child as we present the truth of the gospel. The camp is open to elementrary age children who attend Lima City Schools.

Our Story

Although Lima Rescue Mission is best known for our work with the homeless, we have been operating Bible-based children's programs for nearly 100 years. Our children's ministry began with various programs held at the Mission, and later expanded to daily after school Bible classes held at another location. In 1975, we began our summer day camp ministry. The camp was named for two sisters, Florence and Ruth Roberts, who left money in their will which was used to establish the camp ministry.

Support Camp Roberts

Because our camp ministry is funded entirely by donations, we need your support! Your tax-deductible gift to Lima Rescue Mission, designated for Camp Roberts, will allow a child to attend camp this summer. You can donate online now, or read more about the impact of Camp Roberts below.

Stories and Testimonies

This is the story of one boy who attended camp for a week during the summer. When he came the first day, he acted like he didn't want to be there. He spoke with a low, intimidating voice, and would not listen at all. He wouldn't acknowledge us, and had a terrible attitude. The situation seemed hopeless. The counselors were persistent in trying to discourage his bad behavior, but they were more persistent in caring for him. Throughout the week he started to let down his guard, and was enjoying his time at camp. One day on the van ride home, he excitedly asked if he could come back for another week of camp. I was happy that we were able to provide a safe place for him this summer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the registration page for details.