History Timeline
Learn more about Lima Rescue Mission through the years.
November 1, 1906
Lima Rescue Mission was founded by Rev. Adam Welty to provide a haven for poor and homeless men. The Mission was originally located in a rented house at 207 E. North Street in Lima.
November 1, 1906
May 1914
A Growing Need
In a short time, the Mission outgrew the house it occupied, and additional space was needed. A site at the corner of Central and Wayne was secured with a down payment of $200.
March 1916
Construction Begins
Excavation began at the lot at Central and Wayne; construction was suspended during World War I, and resumed after the war.
March 1916
June 1920
The Mission finally moved in to its new three-story building at 216 E. Wayne Street.
Rev. James Welty
Rev. James Welty named director; he served at the Mission from 1949-2008.
Camp Roberts
Camp Roberts summer ministry to inner-city children began; the camp is located on 54-acres in Shawnee Township.
Chuck Ferguson
Chuck Ferguson named director; he began work at the Mission in 1978.
Ministry Continues
After 118 years, the ministry to poor and homeless men is carried on much as it always has been, providing food, shelter, and clothing as well as a Gospel witness to all who come for assistance.
To learn more about our history, you can download a booklet called "Journey of Faith."