December Mission Messenger
- Lima Rescue Mission
Here are some ministry updates from the December edition of our Mission Messenger newsletter. To view our complete newsletter, download the PDF here: Mission Messenger December 2024.
Our Commitment to Ministry
- Lima Rescue Mission
As we mark another anniversary, we remain committed to the purpose for which we were founded—reaching others with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a critical time for churches and Christian ministries. We must plant our feet firmly and stand for the truth as we fulfill God's call for us to make disciples. This is our commitment to ministry.
Fall Mission Messenger
- Lima Rescue Mission
Here are some ministry updates from the fall edition of our Mission Messenger newsletter. To view our complete newsletter, download the PDF here: Mission Messenger Fall 2024.
Problems—and what to do about them
- Ruthela Welty, August 1961
Everyone—at least, almost everyone—seems to have problems. What can you do with a problem?
Summer Mission Messenger
- Lima Rescue Mission
Here are some ministry updates from the summer edition of our Mission Messenger newsletter. To view our complete newsletter, download the PDF here: Mission Messenger Summer 2024.
Spring Mission Messenger
- Lima Rescue Mission
Here are some ministry updates from the spring edition of our Mission Messenger newsletter. To view our complete newsletter, download the PDF here: Mission Messenger Spring 2024.
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